Heat up the pan with oil and fry the frozen or defrosted big fish cake till golden brown. 将冷冻或解冻大鱼饼放入加热的煎锅里,煎至金黄即可。
I haven't eaten anything but fish cake all day long, come here. 我整天就吃炸鱼饼,到这边来。
The kettle stands nearby, bubbling gently; the glasses are constantly refilled; the table is kept supplied with watermelon and lychees, with pumpkin seeds, with dried fish strips, with lotus-paste cake, with sesame wafers. 身边茶壶中的水缓缓地烧开;有人不时为你斟上水;桌上不停供应着西瓜和荔枝等水果,以及南瓜子、干鱼条、莲蓉蛋糕和芝麻饼干等小点。
Fried fish cake, spiced with Thai curry and kaffir lime leaves. 油煎鱼饼配泰式咖喱,青柠檬叶。
With the use of low-cost freshwater chub and pig fat as materials and starch of sweet potato and egg white as accessories, process of fish sponge cake was explored. 以新鲜廉价的鲢鱼和猪肥肉为原料,红薯淀粉和鸡蛋清作主要辅料,研究了鱼糕的加工工艺,并采用正交试验对工艺配方进行了优化。
The results showed that the drying characteristics of shrimp and fish cake were significantly affected by the handling conditions ( with shell or without shell, with head or without head) of shrimp and the thickness of fish cake. 结果显示,虾的状态(有壳或无壳、有头或无头)和鱼块的厚度对其干燥特性有着显著影响。
Comparison of the effect of breeding fish of cottonseed cake to soybean cake and commercial fish food 棉籽饼与大豆饼、普通饵料养鱼效果比较
A preliminary study on partial replacement of fish meal and soybean cake meal by Trifolium in diets for blunt snout bream ( megalobrama amblycephala) fingerlings 三叶草粉代替部分鱼粉和豆饼粉饲养团头鲂鱼种的初步研究
The Technological Study on Making Fish Sponge Cake of Special Flavor 风味鱼糕制作工艺研究
Influence of fish sperm protein on efficient storage time of fish cake 鱼精蛋白对延长鱼糕制品有效保存期的作用
Studies on the Key Technology of Processing Fish Cake and Shred Fish from Tilapia's Frittered Meat 利用罗非鱼碎肉生产鱼糕和鱼松的关键技术研究